"My child cannot wait to return the adventures in Storycamp!
In the heat of summer, Ms. Pratt and her playful, educational, loving, energetic crew, wove laughter and confidence through the lives of all the children. Friendships and childhood wonders fill my son's memories of last year's Storycamp.
The Storycamp is truly magical."
Wende Bibo
Boulder, Colorado

My son, Charlie (9), had the best summer of his life at Story Camp last year (2015). He was excited for camp every morning and came home dirty and tired every afternoon (truly the mark of a day well spent!). Everyday held a new adventure that he couldn't wait to share. His experience making puppets in session 3 sparked a new-found interest in sewing. Now he diligently works at his little sewing machine while sitting atop the little wooden stool he designed and carved with Sir Tree Meister during session 2. I can wholeheartedly recommend this camp and the amazing counselors who run it to anyone looking for a magical, exciting, and adventurous summer for their child. As for me and my family, we are HAPPY CAMPERS."
Lindsay Hannah
Longmont, CO
Eileen Dolbeare