Unfortunately we have had to cancel our in-person sessions this year. We are in the process of developing our online program. Stay tuned!
Following are our pre Corona Virus sessions to give new families a sense of what we (normally) do. Can't wait to see you next year.
Aftercare is available until 5PM for an additional $10/HR, $65/Wk
Grades Entering 2nd - 7th (Ages 7-12)
June 8th - July 31st (No camp June 29 - July 3)
Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 3:30
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
Early Bird Discount Before March 1:
$375/ Week
After March 1st:
$400/ Week
Sibling Discount: 5% off/ Child
*siblings must be signed up for the same session
Girls Ages 10-14
June 27th - June 29th
Location TBD
No New Hampshire camp this year. Our first Storycamp baby will be arriving right around this time. Please reach out if you have any questions and stay tuned for 2021!
Session 1:
June 8th - June 12th

1970s Disco Circus
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
Join us for a week of funky circus celebration. We will be walking on stilts, aerial dancing, unicycling, juggling, practicing handstands, and clowning. If you’ve ever wanted to try circus, this is a great session to start. Come play in the woods with costumes and characters. Help us throw a 1970’s disco party and get moved by Earth, Wind and Fire.
Session 2:
June 15th - June 19th

Survive in the Wild
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
During this session we will practice primal skills and learn new ways to relate with the natural world. Weather permitting, we build fires, shelters, practice archery, knife skills, learn about water filtration, spend time in the mountains, identify plants and animals. We will listen and feel the forest, allowing time to be wild and time for quiet reflection.
*On certain days during this session, children are allowed to bring pocket, camping, and whittling knives to camp. These are “checked” in the morning. A teacher will distribute them when we are practicing knife skills and then collect them again until the end of the day.
Session 3:
June 22nd - June 26th

Urban Superheroes
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
This is your chance to make the world your playground. We will practice parkour, strengthen our bodies with obstacle courses, and test our wit with scavenger hunts. We look at heroes (and villains) of lore to draw on them for inspiration and story. As urban superheroes, we also serve. We brainstorm ways to give to the community and begin putting them into action!
Girls' Overnight
June 27th - June 29th
Wild at Heart
Location TBD

This is an opportunity for girls to connect and build confidence in nature. Our first day will include lessons in fire-building/ tending, tent set-up, appropriate packing, knot-tying, navigating, plant identification, and basic first aid. We have opportunities for building a temporary shelter, understanding water purification, reading a compass as well as camp cooking. No experience is necessary, all levels are welcome.
Session 4:
July 6th - July 10th

Time Machine: Medieval Circus
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
Travel back in time with us and discover a world of epic entertainment. Collaborate on a medieval story, transform the cottonwoods into a knight’s tournament. Even in the dark ages the show must go on! This is a great session for set building, prop-making, costuming, and stage makeup.
Session 5:
July 13th - July 17th

In a Galaxy Far Far Away…
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
This is another chance to move through space/time and discover a universe. We incorporate role playing games, draw on narratives that inspire us, build worlds and creatures with rich histories. During this session we will visit the planetarium, study outer space and use multimedia art - sculpture, painting, animation - to tell stories of the galaxies we have created.
Session 6:
July 20th - July 24th

Monsters and Mysteries
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School
Let us celebrate the ugly beauty of monsters! Let us make puppet creatures, brought to life with our voices and stories. Let us create a living game of clue, making an interactive theater experience that involves our newly made characters. Monsters and Mysteries is an immersive session, where we bring our characters into the woods and see how they interact in a variety of contexts. What is like for a monster to be afraid? What does it look like when a monster is mischievous?
Session 7:
July 27th - July 31st
Dangercamp Journalism
Located at Boulder Valley Waldorf School

Have you ever wanted to cover the news? Or make it up? How about investigating stories, talking in funny voices, directing? This session we work in groups to create and tell stories from a journalistic perspective. We incorporate photography, film, and theater to report on the pressing issues in our (the Storycamp) world.
Session 7:
August 12th - August 16th
Circus As You Like It
Located in Nottingham, NH